December 9

December 9, 2023
6:00-6:30 PM - Havdallah and Candle Lighting for the whole family!
6:30-6:50 PM - Bus from Beth Torah Congregation (47 Glenbrook Ave, North York) to The Bubble (65 Orfus Rd Unit A, Toronto)
7:00-8:50 PM - Bouncing, arcade, and pizza dinner
9:00-9:20 PM - Bus from The Bubble to Beth Torah Congregation
Where/when do I drop off/pick up my child?
You can drop off your child at Beth Torah Congregation (47 Glenbrook Ave, North York) at 6:00 PM and stay for a family Havdallah and Hanukkah candle lighting, and pick them up at Beth Torah at approximately 9:20/30 PM.
What is the price for this event? What does this include?
Pricing TBA! This program does include bus transportation to and from Beth Torah in registration, generously sponsored by the Toronto chapters!
Feel free to email smoscovitz@uscj.org with any other questions, and looking forward to an amazing evening together!